Brain-Behaviour Relationships

The Influence of the Microbiome on Neurodegenerative Diseases

This article delves into the intimate relationship between the human microbiome and the brain, elucidating the potential role of gut health in neurodegenerative diseases and emerging therapeutic avenues.


The Gut-Brain Axis: How Gut Health Affects the Brain

This article delves into the intricate relationship between gut health and brain function, highlighting the significance of the gut-brain axis and offering insights into how dietary and lifestyle choices can influence cognitive and emotional well-being.


The Impact of Circadian Rhythms on Brain Health and Neurodegeneration

Delve into the intricate relationship between circadian rhythms and brain health. Discover how our internal biological clock impacts cognitive function and the potential risks of its disruption in neurodegenerative diseases.


The Emerging Field of Connectomics in Neuroscience

This blog post introduces the emerging field of connectomics in neuroscience, exploring the techniques used, its implications for understanding neurological disorders, and the challenges faced in this promising field of research.


The Gut-Brain Axis: How Gut Health Affects the Brain

This blog post delves into the fascinating concept of the gut-brain axis, exploring how the gut and its resident microbiota communicate with the brain and how gut health can significantly impact brain function and behaviour.
